About us

What We're All About

With Canimaster, we have successfully implemented the idea of efficient learning around the topic of cynology. This platform centralizes a wealth of valuable learning content that illuminates knowledge about dog breeding, dog sports, and dog health, helping its listeners elevate their knowledge to a new level.
The fundamental idea was to collect valuable knowledge and make it accessible to people at any time. On Canimaster, you will find highly exciting content from the best cynologists in the world. Canimaster enables you to quickly and easily access this content, to expand your knowledge and enhance your professionalism in dealing with the subject of dogs to a new level.

Learn Something Every Day

“My idea for a dog academy, which we later called Canimaster, was born at the beginning of 2023 at the WUSV congress in Lerma, Spain. There was so much new and professional informations that my first thought was to share it with others. My idea was the possibility of professional education for everyone at any time and anywhere and all this on one place. Lectures at a high professional level about breeding, health, training and more… and that’s our Canimaster.”

MD Signatur
Mathias Dögel
Canimaster - Vorteile

As a potential customer, Canimaster offers you several significant benefits:

1. Comprehensive Knowledge:
Gain access to a wide range of topics from dog health to training techniques, ensuring a well-rounded understanding of all aspects of cynology.

2. Expert Insights:
Learn from the leading experts in the field, providing you with trustworthy and up-to-date information.

3. Convenience:
Access information at your own pace and convenience, making it easier to balance learning with your personal and professional life.

4. Practical Application:
Apply the knowledge gained in real-world scenarios, enhancing your effectiveness in dog training, breeding, or healthcare.

5. Community Engagement:
Join a community of like-minded individuals passionate about dogs, enabling knowledge exchange and networking opportunities.

6. Professional Development:
Elevate your professional status in the field of dog care and training, opening doors to new opportunities and recognition.

By joining Canimaster, you’re not just accessing information, but you’re stepping into a world of expert knowledge and community that will support and grow your passion and skills in dog care and cynology.

Our Benefits

Why Choose Us?

Expert-Led Learning

Unlock knowledge from industry experts. Our courses are guided by seasoned professionals, offering you unparalleled insights into dog training, breeding, and more.

Flexible Learning Experience

Tailored learning, your way. With Canimaster, you can learn whenever and wherever suits you. Our online courses provide a seamless and adaptable learning experience.

Recognized Certification

Elevate your profile with certified expertise. Completing our courses not only boosts your skills but also grants you a recognized certification, enhancing your credibility in the realm of dog training and breeding.